
miniDC/OS can be used for spinning up and managing DC/OS clusters in test environments.

It is built on top of the DC/OS E2E Python library.


There are multiple installation options. Choose one which works on your operating system.

Homebrew or Linuxbrew

Install Homebrew (macOS) or Linuxbrew (Linux). Then install the latest stable version:

brew install python
brew postinstall python
brew install|github-owner|/|github-repository|/master/|brewfile-stem|.rb

To upgrade from an older version, run the following command:

brew install python
brew postinstall python
brew upgrade|github-owner|/|github-repository|/master/|brewfile-stem|.rb

With Python (pip)

Requires Python 3.5.2+. To avoid interfering with your system’s Python, we recommend using a virtualenv.

Check the Python version:

python3 --version

On Fedora, install Python development requirements:

dnf install -y git python3-devel

On Ubuntu, install Python development requirements:

apt update -y && \
apt install -y software-properties-common && \
apt upgrade -y python-apt && \
add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && \
apt update -y && \
apt upgrade -y gcc python3-dev python3.6-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git python3-pip
pip3 install setuptools

Install dependencies, preferably in a virtual environment. If you are not in a virtualenv, you may have to use sudo before the following command, or --user after install.

pip3 install --upgrade git+|github-owner|/|github-repository|.git@|release|

Linux Package

curl --fail -L|github-owner|/|github-repository|/releases/download/|release|/minidcos -o /usr/local/bin/minidcos && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/minidcos

Check that your system is ready to go

Run minidcos docker’s doctor to confirm that your system is ready to go for the Docker.

Run minidcos aws’s doctor to confirm that your system is ready to go for the AWS.

Run minidcos vagrant’s doctor to confirm that your system is ready to go for the Vagrant.


To uninstall the miniDC/OS, use one of the following methods.

For pip installations:

pip3 uninstall -y dcos-e2e

For Homebrew or Linuxbrew installations:

# --force uninstalls all versions which have been installed.
brew uninstall |brewfile-stem| --force

For installations from pre-built packages:

rm -f /usr/local/bin/minidcos